Bright Education Centre welcomes students aged 8-19 from all sections of society and is non-discriminatory in line with the Equality Act (2010) . We welcome pupils of all faiths, cultures, races and religious, family backgrounds. We are happy to admit a pupil with a disability as long as both parents and school conclude that we can provide appropriately for the child’s specific needs. For transit alternative provisions, only schools and the Local Authority can use our services by referring pupils they believe to be at risk of exclusion. Any students attending our daytime services has to remain enrolled with a mainstream school.
For the afterschool club parents can apply directly to attend the centre. For all services once an offer has been accepted, the student and the parents are invited to an induction morning, introducing them to our programme of study, its policies and the services available throughout our centre. This also gives us a chance to interview the student, explain the code of conduct they must adhere to and answer any questions. On starting at the centre, we will conduct an initial assessment to determine the levels the student is working towards, so we can effectively track their progress, as well as use their most recent school reports.