Welcome to the parents section of our website. We value our parents and have developed a range of services just for you including ESOL and ICT classes and an active parent forum. You can use this section of the website to find out what’s happening and to get involved.
Parent Communication
There is a wealth of evidence which shows that being active in your child’s school helps to raise children’s achievement. If you need support with communicating with your child’s mainstream school then please discuss this with the centre staff. There are a range of ways we may be able to help you including accompanying you to parent evenings or helping to translate school communication and reports. In addition we offer free workshops to parents about the British education system and the National Curriculum. Check back for dates of future workshops.
Communicating with BEC
There are a number of ways you can communicate with us here at the centre including speaking to staff before and after lessons and using the school diary system to keep track of what homework we have set. In addition each parent is invited to attend a parent’s evening each half term to receive feedback on how their child is progressing at the centre. If you have any questions or concerns we suggest arranging a meeting with a member of staff by contacting info@brightcentres.co.uk
Parent Forum
We have an active parents forum which all parents become members of upon joining the centre. The group meets every half term and is involved in:
- Organising social and cultural events
- Helping to promote BEC in the wider community.
- Raising funds for the benefit of the students at BEC
- Giving parents opportunities to influence the development of the school and contribute to activities beyond the classroom.
Everyone is invited to become actively involved by attending meetings or volunteering at an event. Our meeting dates are advertised on these pages and will also be posted around the centre